ZUBAIDA HASAN – A Miracle Story

The State Department contacted Dr. Peter Grossman, a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon at The Grossman Burn Center in Sherman Oaks, California. With the aid of the Children’s Burn Foundation, a Southern California based charitable organization that lends financial and social assistance to burn-injured children who have no means of getting help any other way, Zubaida was brought to America for treatment at The Grossman Burn Center.

She had her first slumber party on her 11th birthday, March 22nd, 2003. Zubaida says she would like to be a pediatric doctor and help rebuild her country when she grows up.
Virtually all who came in contact with her gravitated towards her, sorrowful over her tragedy, amazed by her courage, reveling in her transformation. So many people have come together to help this one little girl and give her something that she was almost robbed of . . . her childhood. Zubaida will always be scarred but when you meet her you realize how beautiful and vibrant she is. This triumph-over-tragedy story of one little girl’s unbreakable spirit and iron will, as well as the goodwill of mankind is truly inspirational.